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Russian Darknet Mafia During War Thursday, 18 July 2024

Russian Darknet Mafia During War

Enemies or allies?

Since the invasion, economic relations between the two neighboring countries have become much worse, but there remains a category of people who manage to “sit on two chairs.” Today we will look at one of these groups: the Raccoons Family and their boss Evgeny Nechaev.

For three years, this gang jointly and actively committed crimes around the world: cashing out, theft of personal data, document forgery and other crimes in the field of digital assets, and also had call centers in Kiev , operating in Russia .

Nechaev EvgenyNechaev Evgeny

This group solved problematic issues harshly - with the help of the Russian special services and Chechen security forces, criminal cases were repeatedly opened and members and leaders of the group were violently prosecuted, but they always managed to escape responsibility, often abandoning their partners and employees to the mercy of fate.

Nechaev Evgeniy5Nechaev Evgeny Nechaev Evgeny3Nechaev Evgeny Nechaev Evgeniy4Nechaev Evgeny

But if you have an illegal business in a foreign country, you need to ensure its security remotely - and there is a solution to this issue. Nechayev is seen in close contact with the SBU and the State Bureau of Investigation - they "protect" call centers. Is this country really that "foreign"?


Business during war


But the main question in this situation is who does this team with assets in Ukraine and the Russian Federation support? There is no clear answer, because their boss is trying to maintain a balance of support in both countries.

Nechaev Evgeniy2Nechaev Evgeny Nechaev Evgeniy1Nechaev Evgeny

In the photo, Evgeniy and Roman are delivering aid to the occupiers; they personally visited the occupied territories many times during the war. They send aid to the RDC in the form of cryptocurrency

One of the most high-profile darknet cases

The ongoing conflict between Djunta and Evgeniy’s collective.
We are far from the first to try to achieve justice and punishment for this group.
Their confrontation has escalated into attacks, insults, threats of attacks and persecution by "all the Chechens of the world".

Earlier this year, there were attacks on the streets of Moscow: a man who was mistaken for Djunta was beaten and later Djunta himself was brutally beaten. After this, the author of the channel was forced to hide.

More details can be seen in the detailed analysis of the conflict authored by the Djunta channel.
Evgeny considers himself untouchable.

Now let’s talk about his subordinates.

It is noteworthy that all the “workers” of this organization are young, ambitious, good-looking guys who got into the team after meeting Evgeny Gennadyevich directly. Nechaev also often organized drug-fueled corporate parties at his dacha outside Moscow, completely ignoring his own safety. Young boys, country parties, and drugs, sounds suspicious, doesn’t it?
The publication managed to get in touch with one of the participants in these events, and he told us about the fact of harassment from the leader of the criminal group.

Ace of Trumps

The first and perhaps most valuable employee is Chernyshev Maxim Ivanovich, born in 2000. Zemelya Evgeny and his long-time business partner, and, potentially, the main favorite in all criminal cases. Repeatedly caught in cybercrimes, which he likes to brag about, but always remained unpunished thanks to the strong patronage of his boss.

Chernyshev Maxim Ivanovich2Chernyshev Maxim Ivanovich

Has a direct connection to call centers in Kyiv, personally visited them before the war. Just like Yevgeny, he takes a “Neutral” position towards the war.

Chernyshev Maxim IvanovichChernyshev Maxim Ivanovich Chernyshev Maxim Ivanovich1Chernyshev Maxim Ivanovich

Like the other members of the group, he loves the luxurious life: constant trips to resorts, expensive rental housing in the center of St. Petersburg and Moscow, a huge wardrobe of designer clothes and only expensive German cars.

Chernyshev Maxim Ivanovich5Chernyshev Maxim Ivanovich Chernyshev Maxim Ivanovich4Chernyshev Maxim Ivanovich

Just like all the other members of the group, he abuses drugs and has a pretty face, and was often present at the group’s corporate events.

Right hand:
Security guard – Miriamidze Roman Romanovich , born in 1991 .

Miriamidze Roman RomanovichMiriamidze Roman Romanovich Miriamidze Roman Romanovich with his wifeMiriamidze Roman Romanovich with his wife Miriamidze RomanMiriamidze Roman


Not such a public figure, but nevertheless constantly with Evgeniy and accompanies him on all trips, concurrently works as a driver, permanently lives with his boss, phone number: +79199906042 , +79397779009 . Roman’s wife is Kira Mariamidze , Education: Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot , phone number: +79030074604 .

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